Group of Studies on Development of the Motor Action and Intervention

Pedagogy of the Human Body Movement Department

The group investigates the emergency of action in the motor behavior of babies and children. Besides that, it emphasizes the processes that lead to an increase of the complexity of the behavior. One of the main concerns is to focus on the context of the development, considering the physical and social means in which the individuals develop, treating both – individual and mean – as a developmental system. Based on this knowledge, the group elaborates means and techniques to support individuals with motor impairments resulting from classical neurological signals (cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, Rett syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, etc) or not (development coordination disorder) and also individuals in risk situations due to social-economical deprivation.  Besides that, one of the basic assumptions of the group is that the line between studying and intervening is fine and badly defined. The group tries to avoid classical distinctions such as basic and applied research, opting in this case - taking into account the academic formation of the members - to focus on the use of a knowledge that may focus on problems that originate on education and children formation support.

Study Areas
  • Context of the development of the action
  • Development of manipulative actions
  • Modularity and adaptive process in the development of action
  • Nature of the development coordination disorder

Phone: 55 11 3091-3167
